Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Once Upon A [Fallen] Time (Stolen Series II) by Samreen Ahsan

We will begin with the Authors opening statements;
"Life is a tomb built on beautiful memories, ardous past , and afflicting pains
Its a sepulchral of emotions, truth, betrayals,lies and secrets- a catacomb
of haunted souls."

She peered into the mirror, and was literally pulled into the past by Prince Edward.
Was it Fate, Destiny, or ill fated Magic?
Her life as she knew it was gone --- and she was stuck centuries in the past.

The Prince loved her but was afraid of her, and he was also afraid of what his beast would do to her--
because as he said she came out of his dreams .

This woman.. I looked at her... she had given me hope...
hope for atonement and redemption.. hope to fill my life
with colors.. hope to breathe life into me .. hope to
find love.. someday.

Myra had brought life to a dead castle-- with her presence
sunshine was shining in Prince Edwards bed chamber,
laughter, and rain. Where there is sunshine and rain-- there is life.

This story has many twists and turns, and an unexpected ending.
I agree with others who say this series belong in the movies -- trust me
this is MOVIE worthy.. The author left nothing to chance-- she filled
in every possible detail, with exact precision. This was an excellant read--
one that I truly didnt want to see end.

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