Saturday, February 9, 2019

Unmarriageable -- by Soniah Kamal

This opens to a young English Literature Teacher in Pakistan. She
is working  in the professional field, to help care and support her aging father.
Her mother was just the opposite -- some what believing  it was the destiny of
every single , young girl -  to fish  for the right husband.Which is determined by
wealth, status,position, or amenities.

the  author said it best,"Welcome to a womans world, where we  are  valued for tits, ass,womb,sometimes
earning capacity, but all else being servile brainless twits.Have you any idea what it feels like to want  to be  liked for your
brains and instead be coveted for your  body?"
This writer writes with dignity and conviction showing the world  the culture  of her  country, and its tradition regarding a womans
destiny or place within their  culture.
This book shows the struggles of an educated unmarried woman -- who believes that being  a wife and a mother  is  not
 the  only road a woman has in this  life. This was a  very interesting  and informative book.

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